Nepali Parliamentarians Involve in Asian Parliamentarians’ Consultation on the ICC

Two parliamentarians, Mr Parashu Ram Meghi Gurung and Mr Dambar Sing Sambhahamphe represented Nepali delegation to the Asian Parliamentarians’ Consultation on the Universality of the International Criminal Court held in Manila, the Philippines from 15-16 August 2006.

The Consultation observed the status of Nepal not a signatory and a party to the Rome Statute and commended adoption with unanimous vote for the parliamentary motion directing the Government accede to the Statute. The legislatures attending the Consultation agreed to monitor the status and progress of the ICC process on the basis of the relevant requirements for the ratification and implementation of treaties under each national system. An Action Plan for the Working Group of the Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law on Universality of Rome Statute in Asia, stressed that action should be taken to facilitate implementation of the motion adopted on 25 July 2006 so that Nepal may become a State Party to the Statute at the earliest opportunity while, at the same time, initiatives might be launched to initiate the decision-making and legislative processes to fully implement the Statute into the domestic order.

The legislatures also agreed upon establishing procedures for effective communication and consultation among concerned parliamentarians and other actors in the Asia-Pacific region in order to advance the ICC processes in national system and formalizing the structure and functioning of the Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in Asia. Similarly, the Consultation agreed to develop and increase the dialogue with parliamentarians of other regions and countries, including members of the United States Congress, and launch appropriate actions in national parliament and in respect of national decision-making institutions to facilitate the ratification/accession and effective implementation of the Rome Statute by countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Consultation was organized by the Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), Philippine Coalition for the ICC (PCICC) and Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC)-Asia/Pacific and hosted by Philippine Congress.

Click here for full text of the Action Plan (PDF)


Ratification Status

NCICC : : Nepal Campaign on the International Criminal Court